Winter und harter Winter / Winter and hard Winter
Johannes Kürschner, Paul Stephani | Documentary | 65min | Germany 2018 | OmeU
Olbernhau – a small town in the middle of the Erz Mountains, not far from the Czech border. There are only ‘winters and hard winters’ here, they say. And its inhabitants are the one to know about it. They are a bunch of unusual people with traditional customs, habits and a dialect, which even die-hard Saxons rarely understand. In the midst of the hard winter days, an unfussy journey through the Olbernhauer microcosm begins: Including nutcrackers, German incense smokers, folk music and house slaughtering. That’s just real life.
Sunday, 22.12. | 16:00 Uhr

René Scholz, Sebastian Ullrich
Ingrid & Heiner Stephani
Axel Thöma, Jörg Hermann
Heike & André Dittmann
Roland Müller, Rolf Wagner
Mirko Graupe, Thomas Vogt
Dirk Mattheß, Lutz Schröder
Thomas Maier, Romeo Baldauf
Wolfgang Hiemann, André Reuter
Sylvia & Robert Glaser

Directors: Johannes Kürschner, Paul Stephani
DoPs: Johannes Kürschner, Paul Stephani
Sound: Johannes Kürschner, Falk Töpfer
Sound Mixing: Johannes Kürschner
Music: Heiner Stephani, Pichlovanka
Editors: Paul Stephani, Johannes Kürschner
Color Correction: Franz Müller
Production: makiVISUAL
Supporting Film

Forst Först / Forest Först
Johannes Krug | Documentary | 26min | Germany 2019 | OmeU
The last week before Christmas – the end of the year is approaching – thoughts about farewell and new beginning grow. The 65-year-old forester Hubert Stehle is awaiting a new phase of life. It will only be a few years until his retirement, and his wife Eva is already planning to move from their forest to their family home. For 300 years Hubert’s ancestors were foresters and hunters in the service of the Enzbergs, a noble family from the Danube valley. The end of the family tradition also means the end of an era.