Saturday, 23.12.2017 | 10:30 pm

Horror Shorts
12 International Short Films | 73min
Guests: Natalie Evans-Freke, Joanna Castelli, Stephen Gilbert
Even at Christmas, evil knows no holiday. Zombies, monsters, ghosts, creatures, killer and animal abusers: We have them all gathered in one short film program. And when the Christmas trees take their revenge and kneading mutants attack each other, your blood will freeze and you may die of laughter.

24 Days of Torture
Victoria Jardine, Ines Pagniez | Animation | 2min | Germany, UK 2016 | OV
Christopher, an advent calendar tries to protect his beloved chocolates over the period of Christmas.

The Intruder
James Atkins | Thriller | 2min | UK 2013 | OV | German Premiere
A couple awakes by the sound of someone being broken in their home. When they go to confront the intruder they face tragic consequences.

G. Alda Guðmundsdóttir | Horror | 3min | Iceland 2013 | OmeU | International Premiere
According to Icelandic folklore an old troll-woman ‘Grýla’ used to roam the land and eat misbehaving children before Christmas. In this short film ‘Grýla’ is portrayed as a mad woman attacking children rather than a mythological being.

Zombie Christmas
Bryon E. Carson | Animation | 3min | USA 2016 | OV | German Premiere
Humans and zombies celebrate a post-apocalyptic Christmas.

Matt Thiesen, Justin Lee | Horror, Comedy | 7min | USA 2016 | OV | German Premiere
A moody goth girl deep in the throes of artistic creation is interrupted by her neighbor’s incessant Christmas music. When Scarlet confronts her cheery, pressed and perfect neighbor she finds out looks can be deceiving, and to never underestimate the power of Christmas cheer.

Layke Anderson | Dark Drama | 7min | UK 2017 | OV | German Premiere
A portrait of a woman following a single act of violence.

O Sino de Montebello / The Bell of Montebello
Fernando Ferreira Garróz | Animation | 5min | Brasil 2016 | OmeU
On Christmas day, the toll of the bell up in the Montebello’s church’s majestic tower evokes many memories in the mind of a man, specially memories of a woman, Gina. Adapted from a short story by R. F. Lucchetti, master of Brazilian pulp fiction and horror.

Late Fall
Matt Cerwen | Thriller | 15min | Australia, Germany 2017 | German Premiere
After the death of his wife, a man finds comfort in the company of his loyal dog, Chuck. When the city’s mysterious dog poisonings jeopardise this last relationship, a man’s sanity is tested in the face of losing both his wife and best friend.

Örstutt jól / Unholy Night
Árni Þór Jónsson | Horror, Thriller | 10min | Iceland 2007 | OmeU
A few days ago the participants of an experimental rehab clinic came there in order to cast out their inner demons, stay away from temptation and finally discover a little about their sober selves. That didn’t go quite according to plan, but they discovered that the Yule Man from Icelandic folk tale was real.

A Luchagore Christmas
Gigi Saul Guerrero | Horror | 2min | Canada 2015 | OV
Most know Saint Nick as a jolly old man, but Luchagore tells a tale of his sadistic master plan.

FROZEN – Blood Test Scene
Lee Hardcastle | Animation | 1min | UK 2015 | OV
A scene from John Carpenter’s ‘The Thing’ recreated with a cast of Disney claymation ‘Frozen’ characters.

Jason Eisener | Horror, Comedy | 16min | Canada 2008 | OmeU
After being hacked down and shipped away from their homes, they quickly become strung up, screwed into an upright position for all to see, exposed in a humiliation of garish decorations.The Christmas trees have had enough and they will fight back.